Growing with Jesus
Tools to help you go deeper in your faith

Jesus invites us not only into a relationship with Him, but to follow and grow in Him. This page includes a number of bible studies, prayer journals, topical reading plans and more to help you deepen your faith and practice the way of Jesus. These resources can be used in community group settings, mentoring relationships or just for personal study and growth. We pray these would stir your heart to greater affection and appreciation for Jesus. 

Paradigm Shift
A Biblical Overview

Paradigm Shift is a reading plan that provides an overview of the Bible. It covers the different literary styles, languages and a brief summary of every book. It's a great tool to see the common threads of Scripture. 

Paradigm Shift
Search History
Core Christian Beliefs

Search History is a reading plan that covers core Christian beliefs such as creation, fall, the Incarnation and much more. This is a great tool to help build a solid biblical worldview. 

Search History
Hold Fast
A Study In 1st Corinthians

Hold Fast is a bible study reading plan going through 1st Corinthians. It breaks the book down into small parts, provides a summary along with reflection questions. This would be a great resource to go through with a friend or mentor. 

Hold Fast Part 1 Hold Fast Part 2
A Study In James

Masterclass is a deep dive reading plan into the book of James. Packed with solid content, verse challenges each week and different levels of engagement, you'll walk away with a greater love for Jesus and commitment to His mission. 

Hearing His Voice
Learning to Discern God's Voice Through the Bible

Join writer Crystal Garnett as she uses the acronym VOICE to provide you with a tool to hear, understand and obey God's voice. This reading plan will help you discover the power of God's Word, the Bible, and encounter a God who wants to speak to you and transform your life.

Hearing His Voice Reading Plan
How to Doubt
A Genuine Pursuit of God

Uncertainty. Doubts. Confusion. Questions. At some point in the journey of following Jesus, we all have these. Rather than running away from God or fearing His disappointment with us, what if there was a way to bring our doubts to Him and find mercy, understanding and even faith? Check out this Reading Plan to learn more about how doubt can actually lead to a greater intimacy with God. 

How To Doubt
Prayer Journal
Tracking God's Faithfulness

This Prayer Journal provides a tool to list your prayer requests and God's answers. This is a powerful way to remind yourself of how faithful God is and how He works in mysterious ways. 

Prayer Journal
Into the Wild
Exodus Reading Plan

Struggling to follow God when you're walking through a spiritual wilderness? This Reading Plan follows Moses and the people of Israel as they journeyed through the desert and teaches us beliefs, practices and habits to help us faithfully follow God in our own desert. 

Into the Wild
Walking in Freedom

This reading plan unpacks what sin is, how it entices and tempts us, how it destroys our lives and how we can defeat it. God loves us too much to let us compromise and become entangled with sin. Through the power of His Spirit and the gospel, He wants us to walk in freedom. 

Sin Reading Plan
Identity in Christ
Discovering Who I Am in Christ

This Reading Plan helps us anchor our identity not in careers, achievements or failures, but in Christ alone. Learn from Crystal Garnett as she helps us see what Jesus accomplished for us through His life, death and resurrection. 

Identity in Christ Reading Plan
FAQ's to Understand Baptism

This Reading Plan answers common questions around baptism and helps you prepare to take an important step in your journey with Jesus. It also helps explain the significance and meaning of getting baptized. 

Baptism Reading Plan
Gratefulness Journal
Developing an Attitude of Gratitude

This Gratefulness Journal will help you take time out of your day to list things you're grateful to God for. It's amazing how spending just a couple weeks listing things we're grateful for changes our hearts, minds, desires and perspectives. 

Gratefulness Journal